Manju only learned about her hearing loss after developing speech. And it was not until she was 21 that she had a cochlear implant operation. Manju comes from an indigenous group from Kavre district. She recently married a young man who is also hard of hearing, and they live in Kathmandu.
She does not want to depend on family members for livelihood, preferring to start her own business for financial independence and stability. In 2021, Manju took part in sewing and tailoring training through the My Right project, and now she makes bags and clothes for a living, selling her products to Amrita Crafts in Kathmandu.
After coming into contact with other hard-of-hearing people experiencing similar communication issues, Manju realized that there are many others with hearing loss who are determined to take charge of their own destiny. Nowadays she is very open about her hearing loss, and asks people to speak clearly and slowly with her.
Manju is very determined, and hopes to open her own accessory, clothing and tailoring business in future. She is proud to be independent and have an income. “I would like to thank SHRUTI for introducing me to other hard-of-hearing friends and giving me an opportunity to be financially independent. I will work hard to establish my own business in the future.”